Donate now to provide safe and reliable housing to those in our community who need it most.
Our goal is to provide homes to families with incomes at or below 60% of the HUD area gross medium income. Due to their income level, these individuals are ineligible for traditional mortgages and would not be able to achieve homeownership.
East Cooper Habitat for Humanity, Inc. is a non-profit housing organization that works with all people to develop communities for people in need by building homes in South Carolina. Our goal is to eliminate poverty housing East of the Cooper in Charleston County and select areas of Berkeley County and our home-ownership program provides strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter. We believe that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live.
"Housing Wage" in our country shows that in order to rent a reliable place to live, the cost of rent must not be
more than 30% of someone's income. 30% is high but most individuals are paying more than 30% of their income
towards housing and the cost goes up to 44% for minorities. Because of this burden, many people live in unsafe living conditions because it is all they can afford if they want to be able to put gas in their car, food on the table and more.
East Cooper Habitat for Humanity builds homes for low-income families using donated funds, materials and volunteer labor to provide homeowners with a low-interest, low monthly payment mortgages. Applicants are evaluated based upon their need for housing, their ability to pay and their willingness to partner. Studies have shown that there is a very strong correlation between homeownership and a family’s ability to break the “cycle of poverty” in which many low income families find themselves. A safe and reliable home leads to improved employment stability, better health and better grades in school for children. With your help, we can transform more families and set them on a path for happier, healthier lives, starting with a safe roof over their heads.