2023 East Cooper Habitat for Humanity Women Build
We put the SHE in shelter! Bring your company, team or friends together to empower women to change our community through the 2023 Women Build.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Together, We'll Break the Bias.
For many years, Habitat Women Builds have been breaking bias to empower women in creating a gender-equal world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.
Women - particularly women of color - face disproportionate access to opportunity, which can affect their ability to find a decent place to live. Housing affordability is a crucial women's issue.
When the hands and hearts that build our homes come together, we are able to be a small part of a transformative experience for a low-income family in our community!
Join us March 7th-11th for the 2023 East Cooper Habitat Women Build.
Each shift is from 8:30am-2:30pm and includes a t-shirt, lunch, drinks and snacks.
Location is our Garden Hill build site in North Mount Pleasant.
Nearly 78% of Habitat homeowners are single mothers. An Habitat home provides the stability that a mother and her family need to succeed. Both of our homeowners on Garden Hill Road are single mothers and your work will make lasting impact on their family.
Through the construction experience, Women Build encourages volunteers and financial supporters to challenge stereotypes, fight all forms of inequality and advocate for themselves and each other.
Please email gabrielle@eastcooperhabitat.org for a registration form which will include selecting volunteer day preferences and providing number of volunteers. We also have event sponsorship opportunities!
The 2023 East Cooper Habitat Women Build Week is open to anyone who self-identifies as a woman and any gender historically underrepresented in construction such as non-binary, trans and gender nonconforming. All are welcome to participate!